Business Distributes Iftar Kindness Boxes Packed By UAE Students

In the run-up to Eid,, the Middle East’s leading online shopping destination, collaborated with GEMS school students to pack Iftar boxes, which were distributed by noon’s team across Dubai, UAE.

GEMS students and the noon team worked together to pack dates, water, nut bars, and snacks. The initiative was driven by noon team members, who distributed over a thousand yellow boxes to local communities in various locations throughout Dubai.

Shoppers throughout the region can also support kindness initiatives this Ramadan by purchasing Ramadan Donation Bundles at noon, which will be delivered directly to charities in the United Arab Emirates (Emirates Red Crescent) and in Saudi Arabia (AlNahda).

Customers can also donate cash directly to Emirates Red Crescent at the end of their checkout journey when shopping on noon to help local communities in need in the final days of Ramadan.

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