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Just Glow Event Management LLC FZ

(0 Review)
  • 97145776167
  • +971 50 9446445
  • Oud Metha, Sultan Business Center, 3rd Floor
  • +971509446445

Just Glow is a fully fledged event management boutique headquartered in Dubai, UAE. Just Glow has the ability to provide event consultancy in addition to marketing, branding and planning services, development, management, production and photography.

Our full service house brings a fresh, unique approach to the event management industry. We approach every project with meticulous attention, regardless of size and scope; we treat your event like a business with clear strategic goals, defined milestones, and a comprehensive plan to ensure that your event is delivered on time and on budget.

At Just Glow, we put your organization first. We learn about your business, we focus on your challenges, and we plan events to support your goals.


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