About Us

Front-row view to the Emirati business-scape

In addition to being the only stop you’ll need when searching for businesses within the UAE, the

Emirates Business Directory is also a buzzing professional social network

Online business directories are essential trading tools for businesses and customers alike. These tools facilitate finding information about businesses in a community or a region. Because of its subtle interface, dedicated operation team and up-to-date, inclusive database, the Emirates BD provides a valuable add-on for businessmen, traders, investors and entrepreneurs. However, the story doesn’t end here.

In a forward-looking approach, the Emirates BD breaks the monotony of your classic Yellow Pages by integrating a social platform dedicated for professions, trades and businesses. Thanks to this innovative model, the EMIRATES BD isn’t just a database where users can search for basic info, it’s a social hub that keeps users updated regarding the region’s economic activities, trending events and breaking news.

Not only that, but having a business account on the EMIRATES BD means that you can share your ideas to a newsfeed. Members & users will be able to rate, review, follow, interact, advertise and influence the corporate environment around them.

Add all of those factors together, and you’ll get an online directory that gives you an honest, immersive and beneficial view of the Emirati business-scape.  

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