We believe that current security systems are well advanced BUT they are not enough... this is why we are here.
We are a security focused company believing in helping users to rais their security through their already invested in IT products rather than pushing our products to replace old ones and get company's IT budget spent. Current security systems are well advanced and complicated, but alone they may become a source of more burden and vulnerabilities, this is why we offer services that ensure customers are getting what they have paid for. Our services ensure that the current security systems and controls are in the right place and in optimum configuration to do the job it is expected to do.
Our team is highly qualified through multiple certifications and experienced in projects of all sizes. All of our team members come from technical back ground with track record of achievments and even contribution to the information security.
When we do our job, we don't look at the picture from customer perspective only, but we consider bad guys intentions and efforts to break into customer's network.